คำย่อ ตัวย่อ อักษรย่อ หมวดอักษร g

อักษรย่อ หมวด g
G.M.General Manager
G.M.T.Greenwich Mean Time
G.P.A.Grade Point Average
g/lGram per Litre
G20Group of 20
G7Group of 7
G8Group of 8
GAGeneral Appearance
GATGeneral Aptitude Test
GCSGlas glow coma score
GDPGross Domestic Product
GDPRGeneral Data Protection Regulation
GFTGarment, Fabric and Textile
GHBGovernment Housing Bank
GIFGraphics Interchange Format
GJGood job
GLGood luck
GMGood Morning
GMOGenetically Modified Organism
GMPGood Manufacturing Practice
GMTGreenwich Mean Time
GNGood Night
GNASDGood Night and Sweet Dreams
GPRSGeneral Packet Radio Service
GPSGlobal Positioning System
GPUGraphics Processing Unit
GSBGovernment Savings Bank
GSMGlobal System for Mobile Communications
GWGood work